Wendi J. Turner
Inspirational Artichect
The Visionary Founder
Inspirational Architect
Eternal Life Coach
Dr. Wendi J. Turner
Inspirational Architect | Visionary | Eternal Life Coach
Servant: Keynote speaker, conference leader, teacher, messenger, prophetic witness, and author defines her. Driven, passionate, obedient, and compassionate personifies her. Driven by the call to serve the kingdom of God, Wendi J Turner has devoted her life to empowering the global community, one human condition at a time. She seeks to give a voice to all, with her focus is amplifying the voices of the forgotten, overlooked, and disregarded. Despite serving as a life-long educator, minister, and spiritual advisor, it was the journey of “4000 Miles of Hope” that was the true catalyst for redesigning the approach to outreach ministry. In 2016, she completed a historical mission by car and foot to extend hope, benevolence, and kindness around the country - alone. Along with God, and a sign that read “HOPE OVER HURT” - the journey spanned 26 cities in 16 states – offering food, water, encouragement, and prayer to anyone in need. This mission has evolved into a non-profit organization to empower everyone to serve in their purpose while building relationships and sharing resources around the globe. This was the birth of Hope Over Hurt. Since 2017, Wendi J. Turner has received her own day in the City of Houston (Mayor Sylvester Turner), State Flag flown in her honor by State Representative Ron Reynold, State Recognition from Senfronia Thompson and Congressional recognition from Al Green, and Sheila Jackson Lee for humanitarian and philanthropic service.
Hope Over Hurt, founded by Wendi J Turner, is a 501(c )(3) that seeks toextend hope and healing around the globe by providing service, community outreach and empowerment to all genders, ages, and backgrounds. The global initiative is a fast-growing non-profit organization gaining international recognition as a bridge to serve over 48 sectors of service. Due to the efforts of this global mission, the city of Houston recognized June 9, 2017, as Hope Over Hurt Day with a special proclamation from Mayor Sylvester Turner as a formal acknowledgement of the organization’s relentless pursuit of hope. In the last 5 years, Hope Over Hurt, affectionately known as HOH, has created a community clinic and Medi-Spa, lead efforts to eliminate sex/human trafficking, created the Nadine Buford Scholarship Fund for deserving students, hosted events for breast cancer awareness, launched a Spiritual Collective for musical artists to share their talents, partnered with the Houston Food Bank and Relief Gang…and the list goes on.
As an author, she has written two books: a self-help book entitled “Y.O.U Are Power” and a devotional called, “The 30-Day Experience.” She has co-authored a third book with TV personality, Tami Roman, delving into the lives and hearts of women dealing with relationships and infidelities. Although controversial in title, this book, “Mistress 101”, is multifaceted and infused with biblical truths. Most recently, Wendi has co-written her first single, “Cover Me,” to be available for purchase on all streaming platforms soon. Whiles her graduate work was in counseling psychology and theology, she has been awarded a Doctorate for Humanitarian work (Commencement 2023).
Currently, Wendi is the Managing Partner of HOH 77.7, a digital radio and outreach platform where she hosts a weekly morning segment. She has also been a contributor on KPRC Channel 2 News, Fox 26 News and has been featured on Magic 102.1, Praise 92.1, 97.9 The Box, Amazing 102.5, 90.1 and 93.7 The Beat. She has been invited as a featured keynote speaker and as a seminar leader. Since her call to ministry in 1998, Wendi has served as Youth Pastor, Worship Leader, and Prayer Intercessor Leader and continues her outreach ministry beyond the walls of the church. She believes in deliverance, healing, and the ultimate freedom that we have in Christ Jesus. Daily, she works to reveal this to people through dynamic teaching, relevant messages, and her personal witness.